Friday, August 10, 2018

Quizzes 108 to 111

A head and shoulders pattern is mandatory to form?


  1. On the horizontal
  2. On the vertical
  3. On the diagonal
  4. None of the above


Wrong answers include: A) On the horizontal, B) On the vertical, and C) On the diagonal.


The correct answer is D), None of the above.


Multiple support and resistance levels in the same place form?


  1. Something irrelevant
  2. A confluence area
  3. A crowded chart
  4. None of the above


Wrong answers include: A) Something irrelevant, B) A crowded chart, and D) None of the above.


The correct answer is B) A confluence area.


The European Central Bank is meeting?


  1. Monthly
  2. Every six weeks
  3. Every two weeks
  4. Every two months


Wrong answers include: A) Monthly, C) Every two weeks, and D) Every two months.


The correct answer is B) Every six weeks.


Reserve Bank of Australia is meeting?


  1. Monthly
  2. Every six weeks
  3. Every two weeks
  4. Every two months


Wrong answers include: B) Every six weeks, C) Every two weeks, and D) Every two months.


The correct answer is: A) Monthly. Most central banks around the world meet monthly.


The post Quizzes 108 to 111 appeared first on The Diary of a Trader.

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