Thursday, November 1, 2018

DXY Forecast

Hello and welcome to Diary of a trader again. This is John with you on another video. Today we’re going to be going over a forecast video. It Is the 17th of September 2018 and on the screen here I have kind of a highlighted area in gray and then a very dark black vertical bar going down the screen. And this is on the dollar index chart for our dollar index chart of our scroll out. You can see that this is the market geometry of Ganza law vibration. That is a lot of vibration is a combination of a particular time and price levels. And right now, we can see that, it is the dollar that’s sitting right on or near a square of price and time, in fact on the 19th of September, we should see this play out a square of time in price when we have a vertical level that is red and a horizontal level that is red. But basically when I color code them if they’re the same color and time and price intersect and price is actually trailing around that area, this is where we see a high probability of trends finding reversals and major volatility changes.


So one of the things that I want to take a look at is, this date these dates here so this is on financial astrology and it has nothing to do with how to get that, Libra to fall in love with you has nothing to do with horoscopes or chicken bones or Madam Cleo. It’s a study of the longitudinal location of planets in the sky, identifying those angles and recording market behavior and human behavior. Or as the great Larry president put it is a correlation to the positions of a planet in its orbit to the behavior of the financial markets and human behavior. So there’s a very important series of events that are coming up here. So I call it a time of troubles.


And this is an entire series of things happening so Venus goes retrograde from October 5th and that’s the beginning of this gray box here, from October 5th to November 16th.


Now the stock market in the U.S. that typically has stocks really do not like the Venus retrograde cycles, there’s a high probability of volatility of prices either trading down a lot or flat.


This is especially true if we see that happen during a market that is near a significant swing high.


So if we were to look at the credit of that there this is a daily chart of the S&P 500.


If you want to put the retrograde cycles on here, we put Venus and let’s put that over the whole, saw. Let’s see if we see the last Venus cycle we saw that it was a downtrend that was in 20 April of 2017.


The Venus cycle back before that was in 2015 we saw pretty steep down move we had a down move, in the Venus cycle, pretty flat here from the open to the close inv. head and shoulders pattern forward inside of that, pretty flat open and close here.


Actually we did close higher on that one, actually started off it alone had a pretty nice rally from there.


That’s one of the things I noticed too is that retrograde cycles if they appear at an extreme higher and extreme low regardless of the historical behavior. You will usually get a strong reaction to to a new trend and that’s exactly what happened here. But if we look at the Venus cycle if we were to go back even farther in time we can see that this is definitely a cycle where the retrograde cycle of Venus is one that we don’t like to participate in a in trading any loans in equity markets. So that is what’s happening on October 5th through November 16th.


And so there’s some near term danger too because there’s a whole collection of things that are happening right up in front of us, so a lot of negative things too. So there’s a full moon on the 24th of September. Mercury is in Libra. That’s Mercury’s only from the 21st through the 24th, so it enters on the 21st, as it’s on the 24th.  There are usually a lot of trigger events that happened in there. Then we have the moon and churan. That’s one of the form, a conjunction on September 24th and it’s not often that the moon and Cheren form a conjunction. It’s not greater than I believe, it’s greater than 15 years that happens and every time that has happened it recently. It’s always been kind of a bad thing in the market. There’s always a lot of rejection in the market abandonment. Those are the kind of the qualities that show up and then kind of a less important one is one of the urinal Uranus. Orbits as Vesta exits Capricorn on the 24th. Additionally, you know we have September 20th which is not very far away. That’s an early warning sign in the square here that where we have this period of time where September 19th and 20th and then finally the Fall Equinox starts on September 2013 and that is also where Gan’s square of 9 ends and begins a full 360.


So if we look at the square of Nye September 2013 is where it starts over. So the rotation of the angles in Gand square of 9 the 23 of September is a big deal. This is where things often find a reset in any market so moving forward in the currency markets. Looking at the dollar indexes that this could be a very interesting time frame from space especially from starting on the 19th and going into the end of November. We should expect a pretty volatile time and so anything that is in a in a significant trend and at or near you know important calendar year highs all time highs are important swing highs or lows we should expect to see a big change in that trend for at least 45 to 90 days.


We’ll have to continue the analysis will have to be done to determine if that’s going to continue any longer but we’ll just have to keep our eyes on that. Again I hope we find this video interesting and I hope it was helpful for you. We will be going over more of these forecast videos and yeah hope you guys have a great rest of your trade day. And I look forward to talking with you and our future videos by.

The post DXY Forecast appeared first on The Diary of a Trader.

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