Thursday, November 1, 2018

Fibonacci retracement Final

Fibonacci retracement Final.mp3
Hello traders. So today we’re going to review. The most commonly used indicator. Or charting tool. In the trading. Business which is called Bonacci Fibonacci lines. There is a vast vast number of there is a huge number of different Fibonacci methods. Today we’re going to review Fibonacci retracement levels which is the most commonly used. Method. So if you trading it using trading you. For your charts than you normally go to the left side menu. And then you can see here you have a fever Fibonacci retracement levels. And then you can you can actually do the and the Fibonacci levels chart. So that let me show you how it’s extremely simple so you take he into a Fibonacci retracement then you take a height that you want to measure more so more or less about Bonacci does. It connects. It connects to. Extreme points usually up beak and the low or high and the low. And then dividing the vertical distance so from here because the internet we are going to measure this here to this flow here it actually divides the vertical distance by the key Fibonacci Fibonacci ratios. So let’s let me show you how you do it. It’s very simple. So you just you measured the peak here and then you’ll go down and then make sure that zero. Comes over the wall is and that half the levels you have the key the key levels. Are the key level that you’re talking about. Art

To 23 16 38 20 50 percent is a halfway distance 61 80 70 16 it’s easy. The most important ones are located here in the menials so we are talking about thirty eight 2050 and sixty one point. Point eight sixty one point eight is the major resistance retracement level. And it’s usually the one that you see a reaction is quite. Quite strong from that level. So here in the shark you have a problem. We have a breathless brevity of Brexit. Downside move. To. Almost. 2000 pips move. And then we look for a low which happened a couple of

Couple of months ago and then we saw retreatment so look what’s happened. So first of all we’re not looking at the spot between between the high and the low you only you only look at the part which is after the war has been made. So after you vote. So the price starts here this is the law and then you have to have a retracement model. So here look we retrace. Here

223 points it’s a reaction there we have we have a reaction here. It’s a first reaction. Then we go again. We again fail we go again we fail then Vance fees be more about. And then this becomes actually report. You can see after reclear 20 to three point six. Now it’s not a reason now this report. And eventually we are thirty eight point two. Here we come close. Here we touched it and then again we retrace the movie. This is a choppy trading. We go to the next one it’s a 50 percent. Clear 50 percent equal to 61 percent here 61 percent. So truly respected. But what I want to show you is what is actually respect seventy eight point six. That’s usually culminating in the in the pound dollar that you have a retracement at seventy eight point six or almost four. We traced you can see here we started 150 and here we came

All the way to 1 one point forty four from 119. So we traveled down with 2500 beats to the high

Here. So in this case this level has 23 points in this chart we had twenty three point six respectively have Senate 86. No respect. So this is how you get the high. Wind. We did. We. Do low. So this here again is the dollar is the is that you use you is the Aussie dollar short. Again we have a high we have a low connect high the low and then we have the levels as you can see here in this chart. 50 is extremely rare. It’s respect that you can see here high at 50

Down to thirty eight point two. And then again the next move to. Sixty one point eight. Why is this shark important. This is the commonly used. Price action that you see what you see is you see the. Reaction to one level which is a 50 to see a move to thirty eight point two level before which now acts as a support. You see then a move to sixty one point eight and then you see now why. Because as I said the sixty one point eight is also referred to as the golden ratio. Oh

Golden Ratio level simply because it is extremely extremely important level in the in any any chart. You do actually actually I know traders who base all their trading land. Based and on the sixty nine point eight retracement so here you can see we actually became quote Sometimes he touches on as he goes about sometimes it’s really been though but he’ll be talking about. Cantrips or something

And then after with sixty one point eight we continue over and we drop lower. Look what happened here again in the eye in the in the Cuvee dollar I intentionally used the same charts. To. Draw to financial levels. So again we have a peak we have a major. Now. Look what happens. Here. We have. Peaks about thirty eight point two but not close. We have a move down. The. Catch 50 the move down to thirty eight point two. And then of course we have. We have a move. Above sixty one point eight. But what happens is the cools closer to 50 which immediately pushes the price extremely extremely. Down. And then we have a big move. Which creates. A. New World. And then this and then the same chart you have to have a move from the down. To the arc. And then what I wanted to show you here. So we have a move. Down. Up. And then you have 30 you have first level here. Thirty. Three point six retracement you go up next second minus thirty eight point two. First big retracement level. Twenty three point six is a first level move got to respect that. But thirty eight point two the first level. Beagley ejection here the France report we find buyers we go create. A. Equal high. More again down thirty eight point two. Up. Thirty eight point two. Again if we fail to close your CV you bound we go up before eventually. 4 eventually. Pushing and pushing over.

So usually it’s very hot on it’s impossible to find a chart that respects every level but I said certain pairs for example Dorrian really like sixty one point a pound really like seventy eight point six. And the last level of retracement that is absurd is eighty eight point six. It’s not a big level. It’s a manual level as I said the key levers of here look in the center. Thirty eight. Fifty sixty one seventy eight point sixteen. Also play a major role. At eighty eight point six and drop like a last. Train Station. For the balloons because you see here they almost retrace. And lost all gains that they gained. But. At eighty eight point six you see a reaction and then we see a push. Push higher from from from this from this level. So Naci again is its most widely why the people are not sure tradesmen’s should be a review. Today is one of the most widely used. Trading tools. Mostly because of their relative simplicity. And especially their applicability to any trading instrument for whatever you trade forex commodities stocks cryptos you can use your you can use or you can use Fibonacci retracement levels when you when you’re looking for a trend most when you’re looking for a tradesmen’s here for example if you think this is. Uptrend

And if you want to buy and you look at thirty eight point two. If you place your order here you put your stop loss maybe somewhere between 50 and thirty eight point two you will have caught this move one more second more here. It will be quarter to stop. But again the third move is caught. Up so usually I strongly advise when trading watch the future of Stop-Loss below the key level below two levels. So because when they push through like we have here we don’t we usually very quickly we will go below. So you don’t lose. You don’t lose more money but if you want to trade only FEPACI. Then look. At. Thirty eight point fifty six. Point.

The post Fibonacci retracement Final appeared first on The Diary of a Trader.

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